
Essential financial education and so much more

“The key to financial freedom and great wealth is a person’s ability or skill to convert earned income into passive income and/or portfolio income”.-Robert Kiyosaki

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Photo by Oleg Magni on Pexels.com
Photo by Anna Nekrashevich on Pexels.com

Why financial literacy is so important to a happy life

Why financial literacy is important

Financial literacy is when an individual is able to make informed financial decisions on a range of financial topics because they possess the required skills and abilities to do so. Thus financial literacy is important to a happy life because understanding your financial situation and knowing what you can do to improve it and manage it makes you feel in control, so rather than victimising yourself you will take charge of your finances and take the right measures to improve it, hence reducing stress in your life.

How improving your financial literacy can benefit you:


How to improve your money mindset to improve your financial situation

Our money mindset is, to a high extent, influenced by our beliefs, the beliefs that we formed about money as a child and later on in our lives as we developed into the individuals that we are today. Many people hold negative…

Personal finance basics

Personal finance is the management of ones money including: budgeting, saving, spending, investing and insuring while taking into account external influences and risks…

Budgeting explained

A budget is a plan listing expected expenditures and incomings over a set period of time such as, a month. There is one main objective of a budget which is to…