How to work smarter and not harder

Plan your days the day before

Planning your days the day before can help reduce stress as a result helping you sleep better, leading to higher productivity. However, you should always prioritise your tasks and do the most important tasks first as these are usually worth more than all the other tasks put together, that’s why they are usually the most difficult ones. Spend your time like you would spend your money, time is your most valuable asset it is the only thing you cant get more of.

Take breaks and spend time in nature

This helps relieve stress, increasing your productivity. After taking a break or spending time with nature you’ll also find yourself being more motivated helping you carry out tasks with more ease, to a higher standard and achieving your goals faster.

Set a start and finish date for every task

The more time you give to a task, the more time you’ll spend on it, as a result the more time will be wasted. Therefore, you must give a specific time limit to each task to make sure you don’t spend more time on it than it is necessary. As a result you’ll spend your time more efficiently, helping you increase your productivity.

Check out my Instagram post on achieving your goals!