Category: Uncategorized

Credit scores explained: a how to guide

A credit score is a measure which shows ones creditworthiness. In other words how responsible one is with borrowing and how likely one is to pay back borrowed funds. A credit score is a number between 0 and 999-depending on which credit reference agency is being used-, and the higher your number is the better […]

Jobs available in finance

The different sectors and roles available in financial services: Accounting: Roles available in accounting: Accountants, analysts, auditors, claims handlers, complaints officers, customer services, economists, external & public affairs, human resources (HR), information technology (IT), law & legal services, operations, regulators, risk officers, sales & marketing, training & development professionals. Business banking: Roles available in business […]

What everyone ought to know about personal finance

Personal finance is the management of ones money including: budgeting, saving, spending, investing and insuring while taking into account external influences and risks which one experiences at different stages in the personal life cycle. Why is personal finance important? Personal finance is important because it can save you from a lot of trouble such as […]

Ethical mortgages explained: a how to guide

An ethical mortgage is one that lies on principles aligning with integrity, one that meets peoples moral values. Providers of ethical mortgages 1. Building societies Building societies outperform traditional banks in ethical mortgages this is due to their lack of participation in financing damaging industries like mining, nuclear weapons and fossil fuels. On the contrary […]

Effects of fast fashion on our environment

First let’s get to know the concept of fast fashion and what it actually stands for. So fast fashion is the idea where one buys an item of clothing and throws it away after even one use (hence it’s called fast fashion), this could be described by the word ‘disposable’, meaning fast fashion is ‘disposable’ […]

Zero waste grocery shopping

When we start living a life of zero waste one of the key things to undergo is zero waste grocery shopping, which can be a quite difficult thing to do at our local supermarket. But I am here to help you with a list of zero waste grocery stores in London. 1.Unpackaged, London Unpackaged was […]

The 5R’s of zero waste

Would you like to start living a life of zero waste, but do not know where to start? Than the 5R’s is the way to go! What are the 5R’s? The 5R’s of zero waste are:refuse,reduce,reuse,recycle,rot. The 5R’s were ivented by Bea Johnson in her book ‘Zero Waste Home’ to make sustainable living easier. The […]

What is zero waste?

You might have heard of the term ‘zero waste’ before but what does it actually mean? Zero waste is a lifestyle carried out by many whom try to live their lives by making the least amount of litter(waste) possible. This idea might scare some off as at most supermarkets we see everything packaged in plastic […]